
FREE SNOOK (Please F*cking Don't!!!)

That HOT SHOWER sign is really make this picture for me. Anyways, this beautiful photo taken today shows the Pickler Gobbler of Jersey Shore WAAAAAAAAHing away as a police officer drags her ass to jail. TMZ says that Snooki was arrested for disorderly conduct while shooting scenes for the third season of Jersey Shore in Seaside Heights, NJ.
It's not known what kind of disorderly conduct Snooki was busted for, but I don't think the police really need to be specific. I mean, it's Snooki! Bitch is a stumbling disorderly conduct. Hopefully, once Snooki is booked, she is taken down to the ASPCA for the works!
And this is probably just Snooki's way of getting Obama to finally admit he knows who she is.